Please see below for information regarding the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Funding. Employers are eligible to receive funding for up to 50% of the provincial adult minimum hourly wage (in Ontario minimum wage is $14/hour; $7/hour provided through the program). No coverage is provided for the additional employer costs through the program (add ~16% for employer costs on top of base salary).
We typically do not find out if our application was successful until after the student would have already started. You should budget and plan to cover the full student’s salary. CSJ program assumes you will take a student regardless of whether or not you are awarded funding.
Deadline to apply is: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at noon (no late submissions accepted)
Please submit the information to Dalbir Singh.
Questions please contact Dalbir Singh
Canada Summer Jobs Guidelines:
Please complete pages 2 (part B), 3 and 4 in the PDF (a window will pop up at the bottom of the screen to open the form – select open):
Applicant Guide (for more info on National Priorities): link
Eligibility Criteria for Canada Summer Jobs: