Peer to Peer Trainee Mentorship Program 

The St. Michael’s Hospital Research Student Association (SRSA) is excited to announce the Peer to Peer Trainee Mentorship Program! This program allows incoming graduate students to be paired with a more senior graduate student. 



Benefits to Students:

  1. Guidance for new trainees from  more senior graduate students:

A key objective of the mentorship program is to provide incoming students with guidance to help them integrate into the Institute, discover the resources available, advise them about the best ways to get started with their training, and help them navigate various aspects of being a research student.

  1. Building mentorship skills:

Trainees who volunteer for the program will benefit from the opportunity to hone their mentoring skills. They will be able to provide insight and advice to mentees stemming from their own personal experiences. This also encourages self-reflection and aids in the development of communication skills.

  1. Encourage inclusion among students at different career levels:

The feeling of isolation is a common complaint among research trainees, especially during the pandemic. We hope that this mentorship program will introduce trainees to their fellow graduate students, and help to develop a supportive community. Such networking would provide everyone involved with professional development opportunities and encourage social interactions. 


If you are interested in applying to be a mentor or mentee this year, please fill out the following respective forms

Applications are due December 31st, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Pairings will occur within 2-3 weeks of application.

For the Mentor Survey Application, please click here

For the Mentee Survey Application, please click here

Mentor-Mentee Agreement

By joining the SRSA Peer to Peer Mentorship Program, you agree to undertake several responsibilities. These responsibilities apply to both the mentor and mentee.

  1. I understand that my involvement in the program spans from November 2022 to June 2023. 
  2. I understand that there is no minimum time to engage with your mentor/mentee, but that contact on a biweekly basis is ideal to gain the most from the program. 
  3. I will strive to attend SRSA events to engage with my mentor/mentee and other trainees.
  4. I agree to reach out to the SRSA executive team if I have any concerns about my pairing, the nature of the program or information which is being presented to me at

Frequently Asked Questions

The Peer to Peer Mentorship Program is a trainee-run program by the St. Michael’s Hospital Student Research Association (SRSA). This program aims at providing all trainees with resourceful knowledge and assisting their academic and professional growth. It also presents an excellent opportunity for building community amongst trainees and across lab settings within the institute.

Mentors and mentees apply using the a Google form. We strive to ensure that every Mentor-Mentee partnership will be well-matched based on personal and professional goals through the information provided in the surveys. Pairings will be made the first week of November 2022 through an email. 

Master’s: 2nd year+ PhD: 1st year+ (if done a master’s or transferred), 2nd year+ (if direct-entry) PDF: Any year

Anyone! Even if you have been at SMH for a year or two but feel you would benefit from this program, you are welcome to apply.

Yes. For example, if you are a first year PhD student, you can be paired with a senior PhD student as a mentee and with a first year master’s student as their mentor.

The time commitment depends on you and your respective mentor/mentee. We do not put limits or minimums on the time you spend together, but it is recommended that you communicate at least once every two weeks to gain the most out of the program.

During these times, meetings should occur virtually. On-site meetings are restricted to those that are critical for hospital operations, therefore, please refrain from in-person meetings for the purposes of the program. We will monitor the situation and provide updates. 

Please contact SRSA at if you have any questions, concerns or feedback.