The following publications have used samples collected from our Brain Tumour Biobank archive:
Verburg, N., Barthel, F.P., Anderson, K.J., Johnson, K.C., Koopman, T., Yaqub, M.M., Hoekstra, O.S., Lammertsma, A.A., Barkhof, F., Pouwels, P.J.W., Reijneveld, J.C., Rozemuller, A.J.M., Beliën, J.A.M., Boellaard, R., Taylor, M.D., Das, S., Costello, J.F., Vandertop, W.P., Wesseling, P., de Witt Hamer, P.C., and Verhaak, R.G.W. Spatial concordance of DNA methylation classification in diffuse glioma. Accepted for publication in NeuroOncology.
Verburg, N., Barthel, F.P., Anderson, K.J., Johnson, K.C., Koopman, T., Yaqub, M.M., Hoekstra, O.S., Lammertsma, A.A., Barkhof, F., Pouwels, P.J.W., Reijneveld, J.C., Rozemuller, A.J.M., Beliën, J.A.M., Boellaard, R., Taylor, M.D., Das, S., Costello, J.F., Vandertop, W.P., Wesseling, P., de Witt Hamer, P.C., and Verhaak, R.G.W. Spatial concordance of DNA methylation classification in diffuse glioma. Accepted for publication in NeuroOncology.
Sachamitr, P., Ho, J., Campioni, F., Ba alawi, W., Coutinho, F., Guilhamon, P., Kushida, M., Cavalli, F., Lee, L., Rastegar, N., Vu, V., Sánchez-Osuna, M., Coulombe-Huntington, J., Kanshin, E., Whetstone, H., Durand, M., Thibault, P., Hart, K., Mangos, M., Veyhl, J., Chen, Tran, W.N., Duong, B.-C., Aman, A., Che, X., Lan, X., Whitley, O., Zaslaver, O., Barsyte-Lovejoy, D., Richards, L., Restall, I., Caudy, A., Rost, H., Bonday, Z.Q., Bernstein, M., Das, S., Cusimano, M., Spears, J., Bader, G., Pugh, T., Tyers, M., Lupien, M., Haibe-Kains, B., Luchman, A., Weiss, S., Massirer, K., Prinos, P., Arrowsmith, A., and Dirks, P. PRMT5 inhibition disrupts splicing and stemness in glioblastoma. Nat Comm (2021) Feb 12;12(1):979. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21204-5
Richards, L.M., Whitley, O.K.N., MacLeod, G., Cavalli, F.M.G., Coutinho, F.J., Jaramillo, J.E., Svergun, N., Riverin, M., Croucher, D.C., Kushida, M., Yu, K., Guilhamon, P., Rastegar, N., Ahmadi, M., Bhatti, J.K., Bozek, D.A., Li., N., Lee, L., Che, C., Luis, E., Park, N.I., Spears, J., Cusimano, M.D., Das, S., Bernstein, M., Haibe-Kains, B., Lupien, M., Luchman, H.A., Weiss, S., Angers, S., Dirks, P.B., Bader, G.D., and Pugh, T.J., Gradient of developmental and injury-response transcriptional states define functional vulnerabilities underpinning glioblastoma heterogeneity. Nature Cancer 2 (2021): 157-173.
Woolman, M., Qiu, J., Fischer, C., Ferry, I., Dara, D., Katz, L., Daud, F., Wu, M.,; Ventura, M., Bernards, N., Chan, H., Fricke, I., Zaidi, M., Wouters, B., Rutka, J., Das, S., Irish, J., Weersink, R., Ginsberg, H., Jaffray, D., and Zarrine-Afsar, A. In situ tissue pathology from spatially encoded mass spectrometry classifiers visualized in real time through augmented reality. Chem Sci. (2020) Jul 23; 11: 8723-8375.
Garcia-Segura, M.E., Erickson, A.W., Jairath, R., Munoz, D. and Das, S. Necrosis and brain invasion predict radio-resistance and tumor recurrence in atypical meningioma. Neurosurgery. (2020) Dec 15;88(1):E42-E48. Doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa348.
Katz, L., Woolman, M., Talbot, F., Amara-Belgadi, S., Wu, M., Tortorella, S., Das, S., Ginsberg, H.J., and Zarrine-Afsar, A. Dual Laser and Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging Using the Same Interface. Anal Chem. (2020) May 5;92(9):6349-6357. Doi: 10.1021/acs.anlachem.9b05340. PMID: 32275820.
Sachdeva, R., Wu, M., Johnson, K., Kim, H., Celebre, A., Shahzad, U., Graham, M.S., Kessler, J.A., Chuang, J.H., Karamchandani, J., Bredel, M., Verhaak, R. and Das, S. BMP signaling mediates glioma stem cell quiescence and confers treatment resistance in glioblastoma. Sci Rep (2019) Oct 10; 9(1): 14569. doi: 10.1038/s41598-51270-1. PMID: 31602000.
Sachdeva, R., Wu, M., Smiljanic, S., Kaskun, O., Ghannad-Zadeh, K., Celebre, A., Isaev, K., Morrissy, A.S., Guan, J., Tong, J., Chan, J., Wilson, T.M., Al-Omaishi, S., Munoz, D.G., Dirks, P.B., Moran, M.F., Taylor, M.D., Reimand, J., and Das, S. ID1 is critical for tumorigenesis and regulates chemoresistance in glioblastoma. Cancer Res (2019) Aug 15; 79(16): 4057-4071. Doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1357
Woolman, M., Kuzan-Fischer, C., Ferry, I., Kiyota, T., Luu, B., Wu, M., Munoz, D., Das, S., Aman, A., Taylor, M., Rutka, J., Ginsberg, H., and Zarrine-Afsar, A. Picosecond infrared laser desorption mass spectrometry identifies medulloblastoma subgroups on intrasurgical timescales. Cancer Res. (2019) May 1; 79(9): 2426-2434. Doi: 1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-3411.
Lee, D.D., Leão, R., Komosa, M., Gallo, M., Zhang, C.H., Lipman, T., Remke, M., Heidari, A., Nunes, N.M., Apolónio, J.D., De Mello, R.A., Dias, J., Huntsman, D., Hermanns, T., Wild, P.J., Vanner, R., Zadeh, G., Karamchandani, J., Das, S., Taylor, M.D., Hawkins, C.E., Wasserman, J.D., Figueiredo, A., Hamilton, R.J., Minden, M.D., Wani, K., Diplas, B., Yan, H., Aldape, K., Akbari, M.R., Danesh, A., Pugh, T.J., Dirks, P.B., Castelo-Branco, P., and Tabori, U. DNA hypermethylation within TERT promoter upregulates TERT expression in cancer. J Clinic Invest. (2018) Oct 25. Pii: 121303. Doi: 10.1172/JCI121303.
Coluccia, D., Figueiredo, C.A., Wu, M.Y., Reimenschneider, A.N., Diaz, R., Luck, A., Smith, C., Das, S., Ackerley, C., O’Reilly, M., Hynynen, K., and Rutka, J.T. Enhancing glioblastoma treatment using cisplatin-gold-nanoparticle conjugates and targeted delivery with magnetic resonance-guided focus ultrasound. Nanomedicine. (2018) Feb 19. pii: S1549-9634(18)30033-9. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2018.01.021.
Lan X, Jörg DJ, Cavalli FMG, Richards LM, Nguyen LV, Vanner RJ, Guilhamon P, Lee L, Kushida MM, Pellacani D, Park NI, Coutinho FJ, Whetstone H, Selvadurai HJ, Che C, Luu B, Carles A, Moksa M, Rastegar N, Head R, Dolma S, Prinos P, Cusimano MD, Das S, Bernstein M, Arrowsmith CH, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Ma Y, Gallo M, Lupien M, Pugh TJ, Taylor MD, Hirst M, Eaves CJ, Simons BD, Dirks PB. Fate mapping of human glioblastoma reveals an invariant stem cell hierarchy. Nature (2017), published online 30 August 2017; doi:10.1038/nature23666.
Woolman, M., Ferry, I., Kuzan-Fischer, C.M., Wu, M., Zou, J., Kiyota, T., Isik, S., Dara, D., Aman, A., Das, S., Taylor, M.D., Rutka, J.T., Ginsberg, H.J., and Zarrine-Afsar, A. Rapid Determination of Medulloblastoma Subgroup Affiliation Using a Handheld Picosecond InfraRed Laser Desorption Probe. Chem Sci. (2017) Sep 1; 8:6508-6519. doi:10.1039/c7sc01974b.
Park, N.I., Guilhamon, P., Desai, K., McAdam, R.F., Langille, E., O’Connor, M., Lan, X., Whetstone, H., Coutinho, F.J., Vanner, R.J., Ling, E., Prinos, P., Lee, L., Selvadurai, H., Atwal, G., Kushida, M., Clarke, I.D., Voisin, V., Cusimano, M.D., Bernstein, M., Das, S., Bader, G., Arrowsmith, C.H., Angers, S., Huang, X., Lupien, M., and Dirks, P.B. ASCL1 reorganizes chromatin to direct neuronal fate and suppress tumorigenicity of glioblastoma stem cells. Cell Stem Cell (2017) 1:209-224.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2017.06.004.
Sorana Morrissy, A., Cavalli, F.M.G., Remke, M., Ramaswamy, V., Shih, D.J.H., Holgado, B.L., Farooq, H., Donovan, L., Garzia, L., Agnihotri, S., Kiehna, E.N., Mercier, E., Mayoh, C., Papillon-Cavanagh, S., Nikbakht, H., Gayden, T., Torchia, J., Picard, D., Merino, D., Vladoiu, M., Luu, B., Wu, X., Daniels, C., Horswell, S., Yao, Y., Hovestadt, V., Northcott, P.A., Jones, D.T.W., Peacock, J., Wang, X., Mack, S.C., Reimand, J., Albrecht, S., Fontebasso, A.M., Thiessen, N., Li, Y., Schein, J.E., Lee, D., Carlsen, R., Mayo, M., Tse, K., Tam, A., Dhalla, N., Ally, A., Chuah, E., Cheng, Y., Plettner, P., Li, H.I., Corbett, R., Wong, T., Long, W., Loukides, J., Buczkowicz, P., Hawkins, C.E., Tabori, U., Rood, B.R., Myseros, J.S., Packer, R.J., Korshunov, A., Lichter, P., Kool, M., Pfister, S.M., Schülle, U., Dirks, P., Huang, A., Bouffet, E., Rutka, J.T., Bader, G.D., Swanton, C., Ma, Y., Moore, R.A., Mungall, A.J., Majewski, J., Jones, S.J.M., Das, S., Malkin, D., Jabado, N., Marra, M.A., and Taylor, M.D.. Spatial heterogeneity in medulloblastoma. Nature Genetics (2017), published online 10 April 2017; doi:10.1038/ng.3838.
Woolman, M., Gribble, A., Bluemke, E., Zou, J., Ventura, M., Bernards, N., Wu, M., Ginsberg, H.J., Das, S., Vitkin, A. and Zarrine-Afsar, A. Optimized Mass Spectrometry Analysis Workflow with Polarimetric Guidance for ex vivo and in situ Sampling of Biological Tissues. Sci Rep (2017) Mar 28;7(1):468. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00272-y