
Beyond our commitment to patient care, we are dedicated to conducting extensive clinical research to the treatment of traumatic brain injury.

Areas of research St. Michael’s neurotrauma scientists are investigating include:

  • Controlled blast injury model evaluating attendant brain white matter injury.
  • Impact of glucose in anoxic brain injury.
  • Blood and blood substitute resuscitation of brain injury.
  • Physiology of glutamate receptors in traumatic brain injury.
  • Biomarkers for prognosis of outcomes following severe and mild traumatic brain injury.
  • Clinical monitoring and treatment of severe closed head injury.
  • Technology-based approaches for the treatment of depression following mild traumatic brain injury.
  • Suicide and traumatic brain injury.
  • Social causes and social, cognitive and behavioural effects of traumatic brain injury, and links between traumatic brain injury and violence.
  • Awareness of the risk factors for traumatic brain injury and violence in vulnerable populations.
  • Homelessness and traumatic brain injury.
  • Injury prevention programs.
  • Pain assessment and management practices for critically injured patients.

Concussion Research Initiative

Learn more about province-wide concussion research initiative headed by Dr. Andrew Baker and other Neuroscience Research Program members. The Concussion Ontario Network: Neuroinformatics to Enhance Clinical care and Translation (CONNECT) Program was created for clinicians and researchers in Ontario to flourish as world leaders in achieving the most rapid and complete recovery from concussion and all of its complications.