St. Michael’s Health Sciences Library

At the Health Sciences Library, traditional collections blend with the digital world and expert services to support St. Michael’s mission of innovative patient care, teaching and research. Here you can find health information through online databases and more than 3000 electronic journals, directories and books.

Visit the library website to learn more about the collections and services available to Unity Health employees and students. 


Our expert staff can assist you to conduct literature searches, offer database search training, conduct systematic reviews, and procure items not found in our collection

Our expert staff can procure items not found in our collection through interlibrary loan, conduct database searches and systematic reviews, and offer database search training.


The library offers excellent on-demand workshops on a variety of topics such as Getting Ready for the Search: Knowledge Synthesis Protocols, Tricks for Effective Searching of Evidence-Based Medicine, and Understanding and Avoiding Predatory Journals. For a complete list of all library workshops, please visit On-Demand Library Workshops.  

Location  & Hours

The library is located on the third floor of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI), next to the bridge. Its hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Staff with a St. Michael’s Hospital ID badge may access the library within the LKSKI after 4:00PM and on weekends. Use the doors next to the computer lab, across from the elevators, to enter the library after hours.

Staff and students can remotely access the library at any time by following the Off-Site Access guidelines.

Additional information about Health Sciences Library resources and services is available at or 416-864-5059. 

Unity Health Library Network

An overview of library services, resources, and workshops led by Information Specialist Kaitlyn Merriman held on September 28, 2021.

University of Toronto Libraries

Please email Patrick Kasparian if interested in accessing University of Toronto libraries.

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