Dr. Elizabeth Young, MD, FRCPC is a general consulting and developmental pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics at St. Michael’s Hospital. She is the Director, Community Outreach and Ambulatory Services and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. She completed medical school at McMaster University and a Pediatrics residency at Queens University. She worked as a general pediatrician for two years in Toronto and then went onto then complete her developmental pediatric sub specialty residency at the University of Toronto. Her dual training and work experience in developmental and general pediatrics provides her a unique perspective in the management of families of children with developmental disorders. Dr. Young’s research focuses on increasing capacity among trainees, family physicians and pediatricians on caring for children with developmental disorders, and on supporting families after a diagnosis is made. Dr. Young strives to foster understanding and promotion of optimal development of children by bridging the communication gap between families, developmental specialists, primary care physicians, and agencies promoting child development.
1. Young E, Tsai E, O’Riordan A. A qualitative study of predelivery counselling for extreme prematurity. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2012; 17(8): 432-6. October 2012
2. Filler G, Young E, Geier P, Carpenter B, Drukker A, Feber J. Is there really an increase in non-minimal change nephritic syndrome in children? American Journal Kidney Disease. 2003; 42(6): 1107-13. December 2003
3. Fehlings D, Switzer L, Agarwal P, Wong C, Sochett E, Stevenson R, Sonnenberg L, Smile S, Young E, Huber J, Milo-Manson G, Abu Kuwaik G, Gaebler D. Informing evidence-based clinic practice guidelines for children with cerebral palsy at risk of osteoporosis: a systematic review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2012; 54(2): 106-16.
4. Young E, Tuberculosis in the 21st Century: Medical Manifestations of Social Inequalities. Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 2003; 26(4): 199.