Please note: Dr. McKee is not accepting any summer students.
Dr. McKee is a Toronto native who obtained his MD from the University of Toronto in 1986, and graduated from the Orthopaedic Training programme at that institution in 1992 and obtaining his specialty certification that year. He then completed a fellowship in Orthopaedic Traumatology at the Massachusetts General Hospital in 1993 under the supervision of Dr. Jesse Jupiter. He then returned to Toronto and accepted a staff position at St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto in the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, where he was a full Professor. In 2017, he accepted the position as Professor and Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. His clinical practice includes polytrauma (he was a Trauma Team Leader for fourteen years), upper extremity surgery, complex fractures, revision fracture care and post-traumatic reconstruction (including leg-lengthening). His research interests include randomized clinical trials in fracture care and prospective trials in post-traumatic reconstruction and bone graft substitutes. He maintains a research interest and collaboration with St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto.
Dr McKee’s landmark randomized trial published in 2007 demonstrated the superiority of early surgical fixation of displaced clavicle fractures in healthy, active patients, and this prompted a worldwide change in practice in this area. Another high impact randomized trial published in 2008 revealed much quicker rehabilitation and functional advantages of primary elbow replacement compared to fixation for older patients with certain elbow fractures, again changing practice. More recently, in another award-winning study conducted with his wife, Dr. Niloofar Dehghan (also an orthopaedic surgeon), it was demonstrated that early weight-bearing following surgical fixation of ankle fractures not only was safe, but resulted in better early outcome.
Dr. McKee was an ABC Traveling Fellow in 2001, won the Edwin G. Bovill Award in 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006, 2007 (as part of the SPRINT group), 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016 (Outstanding Scientific Paper at the annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association -OTA) and was a finalist for the Neer Award from the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons in 2002 and 2005, winning the award in 2006.
He was the President of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association for the year 2020. Dr. McKee has also been recognized for teaching (Robert Salter Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Toronto 2002, William Horsey Postgraduate Teaching Award, St. Michael’s Hospital 2005) and has been an examiner in orthopaedics for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. McKee is chair of the OTA Program Committee, is currently involved in a number of funded prospective clinical studies in orthopaedic trauma, and has published extensively in the orthopaedic trauma field. He is a reviewer for numerous peer-review journals and is Deputy Editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma and an Elite Reviewer for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. He has received research grants from a dozen peer review organizations (OTA, CIHR, ASES, COA, PSI, etc).
Dr. McKee has an interest in the acute care and reconstruction of extremity war injuries. He has been an invited speaker at symposia hosted by the United States Armed Forces (Extremity War Injury Symposia I-IV). Dr McKee served with the Canadian Forces at Kandahar Air Field (KAF), Afghanistan, as orthopaedic surgeon (civilian consultant) in March /April 2007, November / December 2009, and was a Visiting Scholar at Landstuhle Regional Medical Center for the US Military in September 2008.