Gavin Perkins is Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Warwick. He leads the emergency and critical care group within Warwick Clinical Trials Unit. The group have active research programmes in pre-hospital critical care with work streams including regionalised cardiac arrest care, the national out of hospital cardiac arrest registry, sepsis, triage for major incidents, emergency dispatch for major trauma, PARAMEDIC-1 (LUCAS) and PARAMEDIC-2 (Adrenaline) Trials. Professor Perkins is Course Director for the Masters level Post Graduate Certificate in Pre-hospital Critical Care which supports the training of Critical Care Paramedics for West Midlands Ambulance Service, Midlands Air Ambulance and other partners. He is the regional Clinical Research Speciality Lead for Critical Care for the Comprehensive Research Network. His national roles include being Chair of the Resuscitation Council (UK) Advanced Life Support Committee and a Director of Research for the Intensive Care Foundation.Internationally he is Chair of the European Resuscitation Council Scientific Committee and BLS/AED Working Group and Co-Chair of the International Liaison Committee for Resuscitation.
Richard Price is the founder/president of the PulsePoint Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation based in the San Francisco Bay Area. The foundation provides a suite of mobile apps designed to support public safety agencies working to improve cardiac arrest survival rates through improved bystander performance and active citizenship. Price has a strong technical background and is well known for using technology to shape management processes and encourage civic engagement. In 2014, he was named “Volunteer of the Year” along with his family and in 2012 was the “Citizen of the Year” in his hometown of Danville, CA. Price is an American Heart Association “Heart of Gold” honoree, a JEMS EMS10 Innovator of the Year and most recently an American Red Cross “Humanitarian of the Year” partner. He retired as the Fire Chief for the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District in 2012 after a 33-year fire service career. He holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from California State University Hayward, is a California State Certified Fire Chief and an internationally certified Chief Fire Officer (CFO). Price currently serves on the San Ramon Regional Medical Center Hospital Governing Board.
Dr Lorraine Ware is Professor of Medicine and Director, Vanderbilt Medical Scholars Program at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, TN. She has been studying the pathophysiology and biomarkers of sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury (AKI) and primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation for almost 20 years and has published numerous investigations in these areas. Basic and translational studies in her laboratory are currently focused on the role of cell-free hemoglobin as a mediator of oxidative injury and end-organ dysfunction in sepsis, ARDS and AKI. She has served as the principal investigator of a large NIH-funded observational study of over 3000 critically ill patients to develop and validate biomarkers for diagnosis of ARDS and AKI and as the principal investigator of several NIH funded clinical trials of novel therapies to improve lung function in deceased organ donors. She also led the recently completed Acetaminophen for Reduction of Oxidative Stress in Severe Sepsis (ACROSS) a pilot randomized clinical trial of acetaminophen therapy to target ferryl (4+) hemoglobin-mediated oxidative injury and organ dysfunction in severe sepsis. Dr Ware is currently planning a muliticenter phase 2b trial of acetaminophen therapy in severe sepsis.
Dr Kirstie Haywood leads the Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) programme at the Warwick University. Her research interests include health-related quality of life, measurement science and patient-reported outcomes research in clinical practice, research and health policy. The work programme covers a wide range of conditions, populations and settings, including long-term conditions; recovery from episodes of ill-health or injury; using / developing PRO measures (PROMs) for research, clinical practice, registries, audit and to inform health policy; and developing approaches to effective patient and public involvement (PPI) in PRO research. Recent work has included the development of Core Outcome Sets (COS) for fragility hip fracture (WHiTE) and cardiac arrest (COSCA). The International COSCA initiative is endorsed by both the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Kirstie is a member of the European Resuscitation Registry for Cardiac Arrests (EuReCa) stakeholder group, raising the importance of capturing the voice of survivors. She is an invited member of the ERC 2015 Resuscitation Guidelines writing group (Ethics of Resuscitation; European Survey of Resuscitation practice). Kirstie reviews for a range of funding bodies and international journals, is an associate editor for Quality of Life Research, and a member of the editorial board for Resuscitation, The Patient: Patient Centered Outcomes Research, and Musculoskeletal Care.