Flow Cytometry and Sorting Equipment

If you are a new user, require access to the flow room, or require refresher training, please contact the Flow Cytometry Specialist.

Flow Cytometers:

Fortessa X-20
405/488/640nm lasers, 10 colour, FSC PMT
for small particle detection
Spillover Spread Matrix (SSM)

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Sony SP6800

Sony SP6800
18+ colour spectral unmixing
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CytoFLEX-LX (Room 450)

19 fluorescent and 2 scatter detectors
More information
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High Content Imaging:

Image Xpress Micro
5 colour (DAPI, FITC, TRITC, TexasRed, Cy5 filter cubes)
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Cell Separation:

405/488/640nm lasers, 11 colour, FSC PMT
for small particle detection
To book please fill out and send a Sorting Registration Form and send via email to the Flow Cytometry Specialist.

Automated cell enrichment and/or depletion system
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