The LKS/KRC Space Committee is responsible for ensuring effective and efficient decisions regarding research space allocation. The Committee will:
Requests for space will be submitted to Research Facilities for review by the Research Facilities Project Manager and the Chief Operating Officer – Research. Options and/or recommendations are presented to the LKS/KRC Space Committee for a decision. If necessary, the Committee will consult with the Vice-President, Research & Innovation and/or any other appropriate decision-making body for further review and approval. Significant decisions, approvals, adjustments and plans will be reviewed by the Hospital’s Space Oversight Committee.
Research Facilities works closely with the Planning and Development Department to help maintain our off-site Research properties (e.g., 193 Yonge St.) In addition to renovation and construction projects within our leased spaces, we work with building management to ensure proper maintenance of leased spaces, building improvements and constant communication with building occupants.