Create a New Position: Students for Academic Credit (Co-op, etc)

DescriptionWill they receive academic credit?Are they paid by Unity Health Toronto?If paid by Unity Health Toronto- Type of tax slip:Unity Health Toronto employee?Forms/Instructions
Students who are registered in an undergraduate/graduate university program (e.g., co-op students) and can train at Unity Health Toronto for academic credit. The work/duties being performed by these students at Unity Health is a requirement of their education.YesYes and no. There are both paid and volunteer positions available within the program. The decision to pay a student is at the discretion of the Unity Health Toronto researcher. Paid students get an hourly wage plus vacation pay for the term of their employment.T4Yes – if paid by Unity Health Toronto
Paid Students Instructions

Instructions for Practicum/Co-op Students

Hire a Known Practicum Student Template

Non-Paid Students Instructions

For non-paid practicum students, please use the research visitor/volunteer packages

If you have any questions about the process for hiring a Practicum Student or wish to engage a non paid student for academic credit, contact the Research Employment Specialist

Amend an Existing Position

Please contact the Research Employment Specialist to amend an existing Student position.

This section is still under development.