If you are applying for a new contract or if an external party has already provided a draft agreement, please follow the instructions below (Steps 1- 5) for submitting your contract request. Please note that a Researcher or their staff members must complete the following steps before a contract is reviewed, approved, and executed. If you have any questions or require any assistance regarding the steps below, please contact ResearchContracts@unityhealth.to.
STEP 1: Please download and complete the Excel Contract Intake Form . Please note: if the external party is an institution, kindly put an institutional email address. Please do not use a Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail email address.
For agreements where funds are outgoing: Please complete the appropriate project approval form in the Excel contract intake form. The form will guide you on which Project Approval form to fill out. Once complete, please submit this form to your Principal Investigator’s respective Senior Research Finance Analyst (SRFA) for approval.
For Service Provider Agreements :
If you’re not sure whether a Service Provider Agreement is needed, please complete the SPA Checklist and follow steps outlined on the Research Finance page.
If the total payment for a service provider that Unity Health will be paying exceeds $24,999.99: Procurement must be involved because we are a public institution and follow the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010. You must contact Procurement Services before a Service Provider contract can be executed if you will pay out more than $24,999 in the life of the contractual relationship. See the procurement policy on the intranet for more information. If the Service Provider is an Ontario business, please contact Procurement to discuss additional options.
Procurement contacts:
Máirín Livingston, Supply Chain Program Manager, Mairin.Livingston@unityhealth.to
Victoria Beale, Sourcing Category Specialist, Victoria.Beale@unityhealth.to
Tonia Edwards, Sourcing Category Specialist, Tonia.Edwards@unityhealth.to
If this is not applicable, please move directly to step 2.
STEP 2: Obtain a draft agreement from the external party (if applicable), in MS Word format. If this not applicable, please move directly to the next step.
STEP 3: Compile electronic version of all documents into a submission package including:
STEP 4: Email your contract submission package electronically to researchcontracts@unityhealth.to. Please provide the following in your email:
Note: If you are requesting an expedited contract review, please provide a detailed reason(s) for the urgent review and indicate any important deadlines that indicate this contract should be expedited (such as a deadline to submit for funding).
STEP 5: Once received, the Research Contracts Clerk will process your documents, designate a specific contract ID number for future reference (e.g. 24-XXXX), and assign a Research Contracts Analyst or Research Contracts Specialist. Remember, prior to starting your study you will need to secure institutional approvals from the Research Ethics Board and/or the Animal Care Committee. All research activity that includes the purchase of equipment or services shall follow the procurement process (Project Approvals, Non-Competitive Approval Forms, etc.).
Timelines: We do our best to have contracts assigned within 5 business days, but please note this can fluctuate due to demand. In order to ensure a smooth process with no delays, please ensure your contract in-take forms are completely filled out with all required documents attached in 1 email submission to researchcontracts@unityhealth.to or delays can occur as we follow up and wait for additional documents.